General Situation of Cambodia

Location: Cambodia is situated on the southwestern part of the Indochina Peninsula, bounded by Vietnam in east, Laos in north and Thailand in west, close to Gulf of Thailand.

Area: 181 thousand square kilometers.
Climate: tropical; year round average temperature is 29℃ dry season(Nov-Apr), monsoon season(May-Oct).
Nations: Cambodia has 20 nations, the major nation is Khmer which is 80 percent of all, also has other nations such as Cham, PuNong.
Languages: Khmer, English and French(official).Chinese and Vietnamese are commonly used by residents.
Population: 14 million.
Currency: Riel.
Exchange rate: 1 USD≈4000 Riel.
Religion: Theravada Buddhism(85%).
Capital: Phnom Penh.

Cambodia Royal Palace

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Location map of Cambodia