Position of southeastern Asia. Waterway:The Mekong River run through the country from north to south; southwest face to Gulf of Thailand provided with the international seaport-the Sihanoukville international port. Landway: neighbored with Vietnam at east, meet Laos at north and close to Thailand at southwest. Aviation: Phnom Penh International Airport, Siem Reap International Airport, and HoChiMinhCity International Airport in Vietnam.
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◎ The domestic environment: Cambodia is a constitutional monarchy. The constitution set out that the power of the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches shall be separated. The country has a bicameral legislature, which consists of the National Assembly and the State. The prime minister Hun Sen paying attention to the livelihood of the people and making a strong strategy on developing economy, making the domestic political situation remained stable and social security is good.
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Cambodia implements open and free market economy policies, with highly economy freedom. There is no exchange limitation in Cambodia, and capital can flow in and out of Cambodia freely. Most of Cambodia bank is open for foreign investment. The overall tax burden in Cambodia is low.
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◎ Cambodia is a traditional agricultural country, which has a weak industrial base. It is one of the least developed countries in the world. Cambodia has a population of 14 million, population age structure tend to be younger. More than half of the population is among age from 10 to 35, with abundant workforce resources. The population of workforce is 7.5 million with annual growth rate of 2.7%.
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◎ In 2003, Cambodia was approved accession to WTO. Since Cambodia is categorized as least developed country, it has not encounter the dual anti-dumping and other trade barriers from developed countries yet.
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